Interior Decorating and Design Studio (Locust Valley, NY) Interior Decorating and Design Studio (Locust Valley, NY)

One Room Challenge, Week 3!

One Room Challenge, Week 3!
While I wait for some items to arrive, I decided this week would be a good time to paint the bamboo and get it up on the ceiling. I am waiting on some items to be delivered so I had time to kill.
I chose a light blue for the bamboo. I really (really!) wanted to do navy but was afraid that it would be too dark once the wall covering goes up. Since the wallpaper will be last, I am praying that the color compliments it. If not, I will have to paint the pieces already adhered to the ceiling.
Below is the wallpaper from Schumacher called "Feather Bloom". It has a large pattern repeat and is made of grasscloth. It's traditional but definitely has some spunk. I am SO excited for it, but it will be what feels like a long wait for it. Thankfully my installer very forgiving and will be on call for me whatever it arrives. It will need to be put up instantly as it will be the final week of the challenge. And maybe the final day. GULP! Schumacher has been an absolute dream to work with and I am still so honored to be partnering with them on this DREAM project of mine. I am grateful.
Back to the job at hand...I purchased a hand held miter saw to get the corner angles. I can tell you that if I had an electric saw it would have been MUCH easier. But the hand saw did the job and maybe it was a right of passage for this project.
I then used Liquid Nails ("PL") to adhere the bamboo to the ceiling. I also wanted to tack the pieces up there with skinny nails while the glue dried but when I realized that I was hitting steel, I decided to forgo tacking them up there and just use the PL. Since the pieces are light enough, I used painters tape to hold them up until they cured. NOTE: PL is really messy. Works like a charm but it's kind of a nightmare! Also, looking up and working on the ceiling...also a nightmare :)
The project took me two days, with a lot of breaks. My neck is surprisingly intact, and I'm still walking upright. I think it came out awesome-I will give you a sneak peek but you will have to wait for the final reveal to see it all!
My chandelier was ordered and is on the way! As well as the drapery rod. I am working on exactly what my drapes will be but I will likely choose something neutral. The room does not get a lot of light and the goal was really to brighten the space up. I'm thinking ivory with a blue trim.
The hunt continues for a bar cabinet. Would love something vintage with a story or history-but time is of the essence. I am choosing to have a little patience, over execution on this one. Trusting the process and praying to find something just in the nick of time. I really wanted the room to be perfectly curated for my family and me, as opposed to a cookie cutter space that anyone could emulate. The tricky part is the timing. But I have faith! And I am so excited to see it all come together. It will surely be the best part of this process.
To see what other One Room Challengers are up to, find the info here.
Until Week 4...tick tock!

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