Spring Cleaning, for the Home and Mind

I have to admit, what sparked this blog post was figuring out how to stay sane at home with the recent spread of the Corona Virus. I wanted to create a list for myself which would do two things: spring clean around the home as we typically would do this time of year, but also make these certain activities heal and comfort my soul. Here is my spring cleaning list, a little different than most, considering the times we are in;
1. Delete Emails
This is one of the most freeing things we can do in this age of cell phones and social media. Emails can build up, and I had thousands! Getting rid of the email clutter is just like getting rid of clutter in your home. In the end, both clutter your mind and we don't need that. Especially now!
2. Organize Drawers
My favorite two areas to organize are spice cabinets and junk drawers. Both are used daily or almost daily, so when you open them and they are neat and organized, you will feel happy. Instead of burdening yourself with the hefty task of "tidying your entire kitchen" just pay attention to one or two special areas that you use most.
3. Doorknobs and hardware
I don't know about you but I have a couple of doorknobs with loose screws and each time I touch the doorknob it drives me crazy. Things like that must be addressed as it's a reminder of "oh I didn't do that yet". I also will also walk around with WD-40 and spray any door that creaks when it opens. Surely you have them too! This includes vacuuming the sliding door tracks so they door glides open and closed with ease.
4. Spring Decor
Nothing says Refresh better than putting away anything winter and getting out your spring items. This includes pillows or pillow covers, wreaths, plants or faux flowers, lighter blankets for your couch, and maybe a new tablecloth and dish towel. Whatever it is, making the switch with a new color palette will lift your mood.
5. Wash your couch
If you have washable couch covers, now is a great time to wash them and freshen them up as we enter a new season. Tackle this task over a couple of days. I, for one, know that washing removable couch covers is a daunting task! But there is nothing like the feeling of sitting on your freshly laundered linens so it is worth it.
6. Clean your lanterns and outdoor sconces
After the winter comes to a close and you start to spend more time outside, you will notice cob webs, spider webs, dirt, and more, on your outdoor light fixtures. Grab a broom or hand brush and some windex and clear them of the debris left behind from Old Man Winter. The difference will be like night and day, you will see! If you want to make your own cleaner, simply use vinegar and a wipe.
7. Dishwashers and Washing Machines
These are work horses in our homes. We should be cleaning these regularly, but in case you are not it's time to pay attention to them. My washing machine has a sterilizing/cleaning cycle that I use with bleach and special cleaning tabs. For the dishwashers I use a cleaner and special tab. If you choose to skip the fancy cleaners, for your dishwasher you can use a cup of vinegar in the top rack and baking soda sprinkled on the bottom, and run a hot water cycle. There are many online remedies for these, so you can skip a trip to the store!
8. Clothing
One of my favorite things to do is wash all the winter jackets, gloves, and hats, and stow them away. Winter clothing takes up a ton of space in our mudroom (especially for children) and by this time of year I want to clean them and bid them adieu! I fold them neatly and store them in a bin until next Fall/Winter. The space immediately feels cleaner and more open! It becomes a blank canvas to decorate. If you have a mudroom, and especially if you have a smaller space like an entryway that doubles as coat and jacket storage, you will surely appreciate this small step!
9. Heal your mind and pay attention to YOU
In case you need ideas to keep busy in your home, here is what I have been doing;
*Make stovetop potpourri (tutorial coming soon)
*Light that special candle you've been saving
*Cut greenery outside and challenge yourself to an arrangement
*Meditate with apps such as Calm-they are offering select free services right now
*Write a hand written note to a friend or loved one
*Take a bath
*Try a short yoga video
*Full body stretching
*Give yourself a manicure/pedicure
*Turn off the TV/news and turn on some music
*pick up a new hobby (I will be stitching and doing needlepoint again. A hobby passed down to me from my mother)
I hope you will use this time of year to not only take care of things around the house, but also to take care of YOU. Thank you for reading, and Happy Spring! -Chrissie
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